Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Disabling Checkbox Inside PageBlockTable

Hi All
I had come across in a requirement,the Requirement  was to select one record and disable all the records after selecting in that table. I have done it by using JavaScript, I think it will help you.
This is the page.
                   function checkboxuse(tag) {
                        var menus  = document.getElementsByClassName("Teststyle");
                        if (tag.checked == true) {
                             for (var i = menus.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    menus[i].disabled = true;
                            tag.disabled = false;
                       else {
                             for (var i = menus.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                     menus[i].disabled = false;
                      <apex:pageBlockTable value = "{!listofRecords}" var = "c" >
                                <apex:column header = "Select" >
                                        <apex:inputCheckBox value = "{!c.selected}" id="tst" styleClass="Teststyle"                             onchange="return checkboxuse(this)"/>
                               <apex:column header = "FieldName"> 
                                         <apex:inputFiled value = "{!c.filedAPIName}" /> 

You have to use wrapper class, listofRecords should be a wrapper class List.