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Showing posts from September, 2013

VisualForce Charting in Salesforce

As salesforce has given us the functionality of report and dashboard to create chart then what is the use of visualforce charting?. In some situations existing functionality of salesforce can not meet our requirement properly . Suppose there is a requirement to compose custom pages that combine charts and data tables in ways that are more useful to our organization.In that case visual force charting is useful.There are also other way to meet this requirement. We can use Google chart Api for this.In my previous post I have explained. Visualforce  charting gives you an easy way to create customized business charts, based on data sets you create directly from SOQL queries, or by building the data set in your own  Apex code. By combining and configuring individual data series, you can compose charts that display your data in ways meaningful to your organization. Visualforce  charts are rendered client-side using JavaScript. This allows charts to be animated and visual...

Exploring all chart in Visualforce page by using JavaScript Remoting & Google Charts API.

This post is all about how to draw a chart in Visual force page by using JavaScript Remoting & Google Charts API. I had faced some requirement to draw a different types of chart in a visualforce page and also to display number of  distinct record for further reference. I had done some work around and finally I had reached to the final destination. Here I have created one object  ChartObject__c and two field Name and Amount . Here I am sharing some code snippet for your reference.  <apex:page controller="GoogleChartsController" sidebar="false">     <!-- Google API inclusion -->     <apex:includeScript id="a" value="" />     <apex:sectionHeader title="Google Charts + Javascript Remoting" subtitle="Demoing - Opportunities by Exepected Revenue"/>           <!-- Google Charts will be drawn in this DIV -->     <div id="chartB...

Uses Of Apex Repeat

An iteration component that allows you to display the contents of a collection according to a structure that you specify. The collection can include up to 1,000 items. This component cannot be used as a direct child of the following components: <apex:dataTable> <apex:pageBlockTable> <apex:panelBar> <apex:selectCheckboxes> <apex:selectList> <apex:selectRadio> <apex:tabPanel> Suposse there is a requirement, you need to display Five accounts with thier Contacts in a visualforce page.Format should be like this image How will you do it? It is very simple, just use repeat in visualforce page. Here is visualforce page and controller <apex:page controller="UseofRepeatOnAccountController" sidebar="false" tabStyle="Account">     <apex:form >     <apex:pageBlock title="Accounts with assoicated Contacts">         <apex:repeat value="{!accountList }" var="acc">        ...