Hi All, I have explained same in my previous post. Due to some demerit of previous post, i have gone by this approach. Below is my previous post. http://salesforceworld4u.blogspot.in/2015/01/populating-merge-field-in-email.html http://salesforceworld4u.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/sending-custom-object-information-in.html Now new approach would be override merge filed of email template through apex code and leaving static text as it is so that user will modify according to their needs. Below is code snippet License__c lc = [select id,name,Account_Name__c from License__c where id = 'a0q90000001Tq7f' limit 1]; EmailTemplate empTemp = [Select Id,Body, subject,Name from EmailTemplate where Name ='Email Template to notify before 15 days' Limit 1]; String emailBody = empTemp.Body; String emailSubject = empTemp.Subject; emailBody = emailBody.Replace('{!License__c...
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