Friday, 27 November 2015

How to make java script function will execute after the controller method executed?

As we all know java script function will execute first then controller method executes, In some case we need java script method should execute first. Below is the work around for this case.

Instead of normal java script we will use on load java script which means when page loads/refresh that java script function will execute. Again it will be problem because each and every time that method will execute. How to avoid this ?

We will use a Boolean variable to control execution.

public Boolean isJavascriptInvoked {
        get {
            if (null == this.isJavascriptInvoked ) {
                this.isJavascriptInvoked = false;
            return this.isJavascriptInvoked ;

public PageReference test(){

    // your method logic
    isJavascriptInvoked = true;
   return null;


   If({!isJavaScriptInvoked} == 'true'){
       // javascript logic.

When page loads isJavascriptInvoked will be null or false since it is boolean type,So javascript method wont execute since there is a condtion defined. When controller method invoked by some action then isJavascriptInvoked value will be set as true then js method will execute.

How to get document URL dynamically ?

A we all know sales-force host name (na5,or cs20) used to change from sandbox to production and also when SFDC refresh their server. That is why it is always suggested not to use any hard coded link. Below is code snippet to get document URL dynamically.

 //method to send document link  
    public Static String getDocumentRelativeLink(String documentName){
        String documentURL= '';
            list<Document> doc = [Select id,Name,SystemModStamp From Document Where Name  = :documentName];
            ID docIds = doc[0].id;
            documentURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getProtocol()+'://'+System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost().remove('-api' )+'/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id='+docIds+'&oid='+userinfo.getorganizationid();
        }Catch(Exception ex){}
        return documentURL ;


 public Static String getDocumentRelativeLink(String documentName){
 string baseURL = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();        
        string instanceName;
        String sfdcUrlStrForImage = '';
        integer i;
        string tempInstance;
            list<Document> doc = [Select id,Name,SystemModStamp From Document Where Name  = :documentName];
         String id = doc[0].id;
         String recordId = id.substring(0,15);
            i = baseURL.indexof('cs');
            tempInstance = baseURL.substring(i,baseURL.length());
            instanceName = tempInstance.substring(0,tempInstance.indexof('.'));
        else if(baseURL.contains('na')){
            i = baseURL.indexof('cs');
            tempInstance = baseURL.substring(i,baseURL.length());
            instanceName = tempInstance.substring(0,tempInstance.indexof('.'));
        sfdcUrlStrForImage = baseURL.substring(0,i-1)+'c.'+instanceName+''+recordId+'&oid='+UserInfo.getOrganizationId()+'&lastMod='+doc[0].SystemModStamp.getTime();
        }Catch(Exception ex){}
        return sfdcUrlStrForImage;

Below is the link where I have explained few mistake we do while developing.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

How to launch service cloud console from a link clicks?

 Here is the link format
