Attempt to de-reference a null object is common issue, this issue occurs when particular value will be null and we are trying get that value. I am sharing one scenario where i also faced same issue. String MSORecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Managed Sales Opportunity').getRecordTypeId(); map<Id,Opportunity> map_Opportunity = new map<id,Opportunity>([SELECT id,Stagename FROM Opportunity WHERE name = 'test Oppty' AND recordtypeid = :MSORecordTypeId.substring(0,15)]); System.debug('Printing map==='+)map_Opportunity ; if(map_Opportunity ! = null){ Opportunity oppty = map_Opportunity.get('OpportynityId'); } I got error on the line ( Opportunity oppty = map_Opportunity.get('OpportynityId'); ) Because map_Opportunity is having empty value when query filter condition got unsatisfied which is not null so obliviously if con...
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