Hi All, Before summer 18, we used to write SOQL query to get developer name of a particular record type, now SOQL query is not required. This is my earlier post where recordtypeinfo method has been explained. What can we do using those methods. https://salesforceworld4u.blogspot.com/2014/11/how-would-we-get-recordtype-id-and.html 1. How can we get Record Type Id of an object ? a. Lets assume we know the record type name. say its "Inquiry". Id objectRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.CASE.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Inquiry'). getRecordTypeId (); System.debug('objectRecordTypeId ---'+objectRecordTypeId ); b. Lets assume we know the record type developer name, say its "DevInquiry". Id objectRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.CASE. getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName() .get('DevInquiry').getRecordTypeId(); System.debug('objectRecordTypeId ---'+objectRecordTypeId ); 2. How can we get record type develope...
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