Use Case - We want to show a number in percentage format, say if field value contains 15 then we need to show in UI as like 15%. Here is the sample code for it. <apex:outputLabel value="In-Network Copay Amount:" for="incper" style="color:#3E3E3C" > <apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###,##0}" id="myNumberDisplay" > <apex:param value="{!Eligibility_Summary__c.In_Network_Copay_Percentage__c}"/> </apex:outputText>% </apex:outputLabel> LWC < div class = "slds-col slds-size_1-of-2" > < label > In-Network Copay Amount </ label > < div class = "slds-col slds-size_1-of-1" > < lightning-formatted-number value = { summary . In_Network_Copay_Percentage__c } > </ lightning-formatted-number > % </ div > </ div >
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