Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Why do we need getter in LWC?

 LWC template/component does not allow expression or any manipulation or array expression. To solve this problem "Getter" is solution. It atomically bind data from Java scripts to template.

Error = Invalid expression {employee[0]} - LWC1038: Template expression doesn't allow computed property accesslwc

 <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<p> The sum of {num1} and {num2} is {num1+num2}

Component code
    <lightning-card title="Getters in LWC">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
            <p> The sum of {num1} and {num2} is {sumResults}</p>

Java script code
When employee gets updated then automatically firstemployee getter called and updated value will be reflected in component.
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class HelloWorld1 extends LightningElement {
    num1 = 10;
    num2 = 20;
    employee = ["Asish","behera","Ipsheeta"]
    get firstEmployee(){
        return this.employee[0].toUpperCase();
    get sumResults(){
        return this.num1+this.num2;

Why do we need track decorator in LWC?

 LWC engine can track changes or value assigned to a field or primitive properties automatically, however if field/properties is array or object type then LWC will not be able track value change automatically. 

That is when @track is helpful, this will tell LWC engine to observe changes to the properties of object or elements of array decorated with @track.

Here is my component code

We  can also achieve using spread operator, the key here is instead of mutating same object/array we can create copy and make changes. LWC framework observes value assigned to field/property and if new value !=== previous value then component re-renders.

this.address = {...this.address,"city"}

    <lightning-card title="2 way Data Binding">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
            <lightning-input type="text" label="Enter course Name"
            <div>{fullname} is course of {title}</div>            
    <lightning-card title="@track properties">
        <div class="slds-m-around_medium">
            <lightning-input type="text" label="Enter City Name"
            <div>{} is my city</div>            

Java script code

import { LightningElement,track } from 'lwc';

export default class HelloWorld1 extends LightningElement {
    fullname = "LWC Learning"
    title ="aura"
     @track address = {
    @track hobbies = ['Music','Reading','Netflix'];
        this.title =;
        //this.address = {...this.address,"city"};

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

How to retrieve populated fields from a sObject ?

 As part of summer 16, the sObject method getPopulatedFieldsAsMap() was released. This method will return a map of populated field names and their corresponding values. The map contains only the fields that have been populated in memory for the SObject instance.

Here are certain use cases to  this method.

1.  Fields are queried in the SOQL Statement

Account acc = [SELECT id,name,phone,Gender__pc From Account
               WHERE id = '0011F00000zJIvwQAG'];
Map<StringObject> accMap = acc.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
system.debug('Fields name-->'+accMap.keySet());
for (String fieldName : accMap.keySet()){
    System.debug('field name is ' + fieldName + ', value is ' + 

OutPut -
Note - Id, and Recodtype will come by default even if it is not added in Query.
We can also use dynamic query for this.

public static void getPopulatedFields(List<String> fields, String objName) {
    String soql = ' Select ' + String.join(fields, ',') + 
                  ' From ' + objName;
    for (sObject obj : Database.query(soql)) {
       Map<StringObject> fieldValues = obj.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
       for (String fieldName : fieldValues.keySet()) {
           System.debug(fieldName + '=' + fieldValues.get(fieldName));
// Invoking method
List<String> fields = new List<String>{'Name','Phone','Gender__pc'};
getPopulatedFields(fields, 'Account');

2. Fields are explicitly set before calling the getPopulatedFieldsAsMap() method.
Account acc = new Account(Name='Test Acc',Phone='1122334565');
//sert acc;
Map<StringObject> accMap = acc.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
system.debug('Fields name-->'+accMap.keySet());
for (String fieldName : accMap.keySet()){
    System.debug('field name is ' + fieldName + ', value is ' + 

OutPut -

3. Using Relationship Query. Child to parent.

Account acc = [SELECT id,name,phone,Gender__pc,owner.Name,Createdby.Email,
SHC_Facility__pr.Facility_Short_Name__c,(Select CaseNumber, Status From Cases)  
               FROM Account
               WHERE id = '0011F00000zJIvwQAG'];
Map<StringObject> accMap = acc.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
system.debug('Fields name-->'+accMap.keySet());
It will print -
13:50:17:036 USER_DEBUG [6]|DEBUG|Fields name-->
{CreatedBy, CreatedById, Gender__pc, Id, Name, Owner, OwnerId, Phone, RecordTypeId,
SHC_Facility__pc, ...}
How will we get fields of related objects such as Owner or CreatedBy or

User uRec = (User)accMap.get('Owner'); Map<String, Object> userMap = uRec.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap(); system.debug('Owner Fields name-->'+userMap.keySet()); User createdByRec = (User)accMap.get('CreatedBy'); Map<String, Object> CreateduserMap = createdByRec.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap(); system.debug('Created By Fields name-->'+CreateduserMap.keySet()); Rehabilitation_Center__c facility = (Rehabilitation_Center__c)accMap.get('SHC_Facility__pr'); Map<String, Object> FaciLityMap = facility.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap(); system.debug('FaciLityMap Fields name-->'+FaciLityMap.keySet());

// To get case record fields and value
List<Case> caseList = (List<Case>)accMap.get('Cases');
Map<String, Object> caseMap = caseList[0].getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();

To know value we need to iterate over map keyset and get value.

We can also write generic code which will support all objects.
/* method to expand map of key to find out parent or child objects and get value 
and field name after
public void getPopulatedFields(Map<StringObject> fieldValues) {
   for (String fieldName : fieldValues.keySet()) {
       if (fieldValues.get(fieldName) instanceof List<sObject>) {
           System.debug('------Begin Child------');
           getPopulatedFields((List<sObject>) fieldValues.get(fieldName));
           System.debug('------End Child------');
       } else if (fieldValues.get(fieldName) instanceof sObject) {
           System.debug('------Begin Parent------');
           sObject obj = (sObject) fieldValues.get(fieldName);
           System.debug('------End Parent------');
       } else {
           System.debug(fieldName + '=' + fieldValues.get(fieldName));
/* method to iterarte over child recordList and call getPopulatedFields passing result
 of getPopulatedFieldsAsMap
public void getPopulatedFields(List<sObject> objs) {
   for (sObject obj : objs) {

/* method will accept object name and fields name, get records by using dynamic query
 and call getPopulatedFields
public void getPopulatedFields(List<String> fields, String objName) {
    String soql = ' Select ' + String.join(fields, ',') + 
                  ' From ' + objName;

    List<sObject> objs = Database.query(soql);

Invoking methods.
List<String> fields = new List<String>
SHC_Facility__pr.Facility_Short_Name__c, (Select CaseNumber, Status From Cases)'};