Convert List to Map
Lets assume we have list of accounts record and we need to create map of Id to Account record.
Traditional approach is using Iterating over list of Account records and storing in a Map. but the easiest approach is
List<Account> lstofAccount = [Select id,name from Account limit 10];
Map<Id,Account> map_account = new Map<Id,Account>(lstofAccount);
11:00:02:011 USER_DEBUG [4]|DEBUG|
Name=Area Agency on Aging Region 9, RecordTypeId=012360000005HcsAAE},
00111000029360UAAQ=Account:{Id=00111000029360UAAQ, Name=AULTMAN HOSPITAL,
Remove Duplicate Elements from List or Convert List to Set
Most of the time, we may require only unique values from List, the easiest ways is add those value in a set , set will automatically remove duplicate values. How to add list of values to a set without having to iterate
List<String> lstSFDCTerms = new List<String>
system.debug('lstSFDCTerms size--'+lstSFDCTerms.size());
Set<String> setOfSFDCTerms = new Set<String>(lstSFDCTerms);
// we can also do setOfSFDCTerms.addAll(lstSFDCTerms);
system.debug('setOfSFDCTerms size--'+setOfSFDCTerms.size()+'--setOfSFDCTerms--'
11:21:54:002 USER_DEBUG [2]|DEBUG|lstSFDCTerms size--9
11:21:54:002 USER_DEBUG [4]|DEBUG|
setOfSFDCTerms size--7--setOfSFDCTerms--{APEX, Aura, JS, LWC, Lightning, SDLS, VF}
How to Use Switch case on String ?
Sometime we may need to check if set contains one particular value then execute particular action. If we have more condition then switch care is better approach as compared to If-else.
Use case - We need to get role Id based on responsibility selected by users. You may have 500 roles defined in your org. What is the best approach ?
for(String sres :responsibility){
switch on sres {
when 'Guardian' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Guardian');
when 'Legal Guardian Responsible' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Legal Guardian Responsible');
when 'Power of Attorney/Healthcare' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Power of Attorney/Healthcare');
when 'Durable Power of Attorney/Healthcare' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Durable Power of Attorney/Healthcare');
when 'Power of Attorney/Financial' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Power of Attorney/Financial');
when 'Durable Power of Attorney/Financial' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Durable Power of Attorney/Financial');
when 'Other Legal Oversight' {
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Other Legal Oversight');
when else{
sRoleId = map_RoleId_Resp.get('Portal User');