Sometimes we need to run a class in every minute to do some operation.
// This section of code will schedule the next execution 1 minutes from now
global class Scheduling_Svc_WS_CreateBatch implements Schedulable{
// Execute method
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
datetime nextScheduleTime =;
// Execute method
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
datetime nextScheduleTime =;
string minute = string.valueof(nextScheduleTime.minute());
string second = string.valueof(nextScheduleTime.second ());
string cronvalue = second+' '+minute+' 0-23 * * ?' ;
string jobName = 'selfReschedulingClass ' +nextScheduleTime.format('hh:mm');
Scheduling_Svc_WS_CreateBatch p = new Scheduling_Svc_WS_CreateBatch();
system.schedule(jobName, cronvalue , p);
// this section of code will abort the current schedule job
String nextScheduleTime=String.valueof(currentDateTime.second()) +' '+String.valueof(currentDateTime.minute())+' '
+String.valueof(currentDateTime.hour())+' '+String.valueof(' '
+String.valueof(currentDateTime.month())+' ? '+String.valueof(currentDateTime.Year());
updateAccounts Job = new updateAccounts ();
system.schedule('Scheduled at ', nextScheduleTime, Job );
Execute this i workbench after one min, go to schedule apex and delete the jobs.